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Exercising For Osteoarthritis Pain Relief

Gemma Happe • August 9, 2022

Exercising For Osteoarthritis Pain Relief

Osteoarthritis is classified as a clinical syndrome of joint related pain, stiffness and swelling accompanied by varying degrees of functional limitation and reduced quality of life. It is the most common type of arthritis, with an estimated 7.4 million people in England over the age of 45 with it. The most commonly affected joints are the hips, knees, lumbar and cervical spine and small joints of hand and wrist. Joint related pain, stiffness, reduced function and the associated effects on an individual's ability to carry out their normal activities of daily living can be important consequences of the condition. 

The latest National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines, state that physical activity should be the main treatment – not painkillers. This is in line with new draft guidelines for the NHS which have outlined that exercise should play an integral part in the successful treatment and management of individuals suffering with the symptoms associated with osteoarthritis. 

If you are suffering from the symptoms of osteoarthritis, we can help relieve your pain through safe, gentle and effective treatment and can also provide you with a range of appropriate exercises suited to your individual symptoms. 

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