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COVID Guidelines for Osteopath Visits

Gemma Happe • October 13, 2020

Changes to treatments in line with COVID 19 Guidelines.

During these unprecedented times, we are asking patients to wear a face mask (that covers both your mouth and your nose) to help keep our staff and patients safe. 

We have implemented wide-ranging policies, procedures and facilities to meet the stringent requirements placed upon us by Public Health England and the General Osteopathic Council to minimise infection risk to our patients and practitioners.

  • You have any symptoms of Covid-19 now or have had at any time in the last 10 days
  • You have had contact with anyone with symptoms, diagnosed or not in the last 14 days
  • You have returned from a country subject to quarantine restrictions in the last 14 days
Please note all of the Team are wearing PPE, the clinic is cleaned in-between each treatment and patients are asked to apply alcohol rub when entering the clinic.

How to wear a facemask properly.

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